Our Services
Initial Equine Assessment
Firstly, the horse's entire history will be taken and documented. The horse will then need to be seen statically (standing square) and dynamically (walking, trotting, backing up and circling). The horse will then further be palpated and undergo a ROM assessment. From here any key areas of concern will be noted and any issues you may be having will be discussed as well as your goals. I will then discuss what I would like to conduct during the session and treat your horse (with your confirmation). Once the session has been completed I will then give you a briefing and exercises to complete with your horse for the said issues.
90 minutes
Maintenance Equine Assessment
The maintenance massage is the ongoing treatment for all types of horses. The treatment can be tailored to concentrate on areas that the horse may use more frequently or can be a general whole body treatment. Horses will be re-assessed and then any areas of concern or goals can be discussed. As a result, I will discuss what I would like to accomplish during the session and how to treat your horse. Again once the session has been completed I will give you a briefing and re-assess the exercises from before.
60 minutes
Equine Sports Massage
This massage is more tailored to athletes and to specific sports related problems, such as tight muscle groups or injuries compared to your normal massage which tends to focus on the full body. Sports massage is important for maintaining flexibility, elasticity and decreasing the chance of tension and muscle spasms therefore hopefully preventing the onset of injuries.
Increase circulation
Reduce muscle spasms
Reduce tension
Improve muscle tone
Improve lymphatic drainage
Improve ROM
Pre-sports massage prepares the horse for the work yet to come. It aids in stimulating blood flow which supplies oxygen and nutrients to the muscles which helps to reduce tension. This massage is generally carried out to help prevent the onset of injuries and is usually done four hours before the horse is worked. However, the massage can be applied seventy two hours before the horse is due to be worked.
Post-sports massage is performed within seventy two hours of the horse being worked but can be performed two hours after a horse has worked. Usually, a day or so is given before performing a post-sports massage to allow the athletes to rehydrate and cool down. This massage helps to stimulate the removal of any toxins within the muscles and helps to increase blood flow to the affected areas. Additionally, finding any trigger point will help to reduce the effect of delayed onset muscle soreness and will reduce the effect of pain.
45 minutes
Equine Rehabilitation Massage
This massage is tailored to horses on restricted work or on box rest. It can be used during a horse’s recovery from a specific injury, illness or trauma to help aid in areas that may be compensating. Horses on box rest may develop stiffness and a lack or uneven development of muscle tone. This then impacts their general well-being and applying massage not only helps to improve their well-being but it also can act as pain relief by increasing the production of endorphins.
Maintains muscle tone
Maintains ROM
Enhances endorphins
Improves circulation and lymphatic drainage
45 minutes
Tailored Rehabilitation Programs
Individual rehabilitation programs will be designed to fit the individual's needs and are based on his or her condition/injury, the stages of healing, and the owner's ability. The main goals are to aid in the recovery of an injured individual, to improve mobility for the individual, to alleviate signs of illness, and to maintain health. As a result, the horse should be able to return to their previous workload or something similar if that is not possible due to condition/injury.